Fireworks Retailer


Main Phone (303) 239-4100

Application for Retailer of Fireworks License 
 The License Fee is $50 per location. A completed Application must be received by DFPC at least 30 days prior to the start of permitted activities. The Retailer of Fireworks License will expire on December 31 of the calendar year in which it was issued and shall apply to only one retail location. The License holder must obtain a permit from the local fire protection Authority Having Jurisdiction, if required, prior to starting any permitted activities. 

Please click here for county fire restriction information.

Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities.  The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is 
June 5, 2025.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2025 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2025 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.
Business Information
Name of the Individual or Company as you would like it to appear on the license
Legal Business Name as registered with the Colorado Secretary of State for corporations and companies, or Sole Proprietor name. Corporations and companies must provide a Certificate of Good Standing from the  Colorado Secretary of State's website .
Name of the Individual or Company as you would like it to appear on the license
If business is to be conducted under a fictitious name or trade name, a copy of the trade name affidavit as filed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the county in which business is conducted, or with the Colorado Department of Revenue/Colorado Secretary of State must be filed with the application.
The address to mail the licenses.
--Principal Agent-------------------------------------------------------------------------
MM/DD/YYYY example: 12/30/1999
Liability Insurance
Partnership Information   (if business is to be conducted as a partnership/corporation, name, title and address of each partner MUST be listed) 
Enter Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code
Will this individual be actively engaged in the fireworks business?

Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities.  The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is 
June 5, 2025.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2025 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2025 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.

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Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities.  The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is June 5, 2024.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2024 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2024 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.
References - List the name and contact information for 3 persons
List the name and contact information for 3 persons who are not related to you, whom inquiry can be made as to your character, standing and reputation, and are residents of the city, town or county where you intend to do business
Include street address, city, state, and zip code.
Include street address, city, state, and zip code.
Include street address, city, state, and zip code.
Vendor(s) of Fireworks - Must be currently licensed as a Colorado Wholesaler of Fireworks
Colorado Wholesaler of Fireworks License Number
Include street address, city, state, and zip code
Colorado Wholesaler of Fireworks License Number
Include street address, city, state, and zip code
Colorado Wholesaler of Fireworks License Number
Include street address, city, state, and zip code
Retail Outlet Information
Please select 'Active' if you want to apply to license this site today. If you are withholding licensing until you more information about a fire ban in the site's county, please select 'Inactive'.
Street address or provide an intersection or hundred block if no defined address. Please do not include a store, company or landowner name here.
Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities.  The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is June 5, 2024.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2024 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2024 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.

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Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities.  The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is June 5, 2024.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2024 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2024 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.
Supplemental Information
Have you ever been indicted, arrested, cited or convicted of any crime or juvenile offense before any court? (Do not include minor traffic violations)
If yes, give an explanation including the date of incident, type of incident and disposition
Have you ever had a complaint filed against you to any department, bureau, board, prosecuting officer, criminal court, juvenile court, or any other governmental regulatory body or officer which you were required to answer?
If yes, give an explanation including the date of incident, type of incident and disposition
If you are presently, or have ever been, licensed or certified in any other state to operate a fireworks stand, please complete the following:

Other Colorado Fireworks Licenses
Are you presently or have you ever been licensed to conduct a fireworks business in Colorado?
Total number of sales made in last year licensed (in dollars)
Location of sales documents (invoices, bills of lading, etc) which verify that business was conducted in accordance with law and the requirements of the class of license
Has any license of any type held by you been denied, suspended, revoked by the state, a territory or government agency for any reason?
If yes, list each incident of denial, suspension or revocation, the date of each incident, the reason, and the disposition
Required Documentation (scanned documents) to be Submitted with Application
There is a combined attachment limit of 20MB
Liability Insurance is required to obtain a license as a fireworks retailer. If you are refraining from obtaining Insurance until you have more information about a possible fire ban in you site's county, you can submit proof of insurance when you are ready to license. We will process the application and consider Proof of Insurance missing information for follow up.

Not required if Business Type is Individual
Fees and Payment
If paying by credit card please indicate the payment method and call DFPC after application submission.

Summary of Rules Pertaining to Retailer of Fireworks Licenses:
This summary of the laws and rules pertaining to the retail sale of fireworks shall not replace a thorough understanding of the Colorado Fireworks Act (Title 12, Article 28, CRS) and the Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Colorado Department of Public Safety there under. 
  1. The only activity permitted under any license issued pursuant to this application, is the sale (or possession with intent to sell) permissible fireworks at retail to the public. Permissible fireworks are defined in CRS 12-28-101(8). 
  2. No Retailer of Fireworks may sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, or possess with intent to sell permissible fireworks which have not been purchased by a wholesaler licensed by the State of Colorado. The Retail shall keep a copy of each invoice for fireworks purchased from a wholesaler and such invoice must show the license number of the wholesaler. Such records must be available for inspection and maintained for so long as any fireworks included on the invoice are held in the Retailers possession. 
  3. Prior to the start of licensed activities, the license holder must obtain a permit, if any required, from the local authority having jurisdiction over the retail sale location. The Retailer of Fireworks License and any required permits must be prominently displayed at the retailer’s place of business. 
  4. For all sales, the retailer must verify that the purchaser is over sixteen years of age by way of inspecting the purchaser’s driver’s license or other state issued identification card. Warning signs required by CRS 12-28-102(4). 
  5. Any violation of the Colorado Fireworks Act and the Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Colorado Department of Public Safety there under shall be cause for suppression or revocation of any fireworks licenses held by the applicant and may result in criminal prosecution pursuant to CRS 12-28-110. 
Under penalties of perjury, by clicking the Submit button below, I certify I am the named applicant above and have carefully read and understand the provisions of Colorado Fireworks Act and the Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Colorado Department of Public Safety there under concerning the sale and regulation of fireworks. This application and the answers given are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I hereby grant the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control authority to conduct a background check to determine my suitability to obtain the requested license. 
Per Section 5.3 of 8 CCR 1507-12:  Applications for a Retailer of Fireworks License (stands) shall be made to the Division at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of permitted activities. The deadline for July 4th Retail Fireworks applications (stands) is June 5, 2025.  All applications shall be received in person or by email by end of business June 5, 2025 or earlier. Any applications received after June 5, 2025 will be issued with a start date 30 days after the date received.