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'New' is Sprinkler Fitters not previously registered in CO and Sprinkler Fitters previously registered in CO who didn't hold a  registration in the 365 days. 'Renewal' is for Sprinkler Fitters holding a current registration and renewing within the renewal window (ending July 30th). 'Renewal (OOGS)' is for Sprinkler Fitters registered in the last year that missed the 60 day renewal window.
Please DO NOT reapply if you are missing information 
and have received an email about missing documents 
or have been in contact with our staff about missing information.  

Any additional documents need to be submitted via email at cdps_dfpc_suppression@state.co.us
Please input your number in this format 23-SF-XXXXX. If you were registered last year, just replace the Xs with your 5-digit number